Allegiant – Together We FlyTM livery

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ADHETEC has been a long-term supplier to Allegiant and is proud to support this project from the 3D modeling to the manufacturing and final installation of this special livery.
We decided to use our latest innovative exterior decofoil, ADHECAL® 13885, which offers a durability similar to a paint coating while providing a thinner and more opaque solution. The installation team also benefited from its new air-egress adhesive base, making the application easier. To ensure vibrant graphics and optimal in-service aging, the decals were varnished in full after installation.

This project was inspired and made by the employees, for the employees. In fact, the aircraft design was based on words from staff describing what they love about Allegiant. The management wanted to tell the world that their employees are “the lifeblood of Allegiant”. A captivating corporate story that ADHETEC is proud to be part of.

“The livery looks great and have gotten good feedback! Thank you and the team for your assistance in this, hopefully we’ll have more work like this together soon.” – Allegiant testimonial

Allegiant press release:

Picture credits: Tom Smart